Which Cloud Would You Reach for, Google or Microsoft?

With so many good options out there, choosing a cloud storage service nowadays can get a bit tricky and challenging sometimes, especially if you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. For instance, for those who use Windows based devices for their everyday work, Microsoft’s OneDrive would be a good option, while for those who…

Categorized as software

From athletes to fans, Big Data is transforming the sporting arena

Big data is not only transforming the way we think in business but also in the way we think in sports. While Money ball comes to mind when thinking about Big Data, the truth is that the world is experiencing a sort of data revolution, where Big Data is being used not only to record…

Categorized as Business

Will cyber-athletes change sports as we know it?

Honestly, when people think about how scientists are going to change an athlete’s level of fitness in particular and sports in general, they often picture a cocktail of steroids and other banned substances that might not show in a urine test. And can you blame them? Since the news is full of athletes who have…

Categorized as Business

FAA approves movie making and delivery taking drones

Predator drones have been used by the military for quite some time now, to capture footage of terrorists in the mountains of Pakistan, and even kill them sometimes (along with however happens to be within a ten feet radius). These headline-grabbing drones can rein hells fire from miles up in the air and are so…

Categorized as Business

The best internet security suites of 2014

So, you let your guard down? That’s okay, it happens to all of us. But you do know that it was entirely you’re fault that it happened. Even though internet security is somewhat of a misnomer, since no computer can be secure from the internet, just like no person can be safe in San Luis…

Categorized as Business