How to Obtain a Premises Licence in the UK

Published Categorized as Business


If you are planning to sell alcohol or provide a licensable activity at a particular venue, you must obtain a premises license. So, how do you go about the licensing process and what do you need to know? Innpacked, a top national training provider can help you with the application process and help you understand everything you need to know when applying for a premises license in the UK.

First, you need to understand if you need a premises license. As stated above, if you plan to provide a licensable activity, this license is required. So, what is a licensable activity? They include selling alcohol, late-night refreshments or providing regulated entertainment.

You also need a premises license in UK if you intend to provide the following entertainment:

  • Theatrical Performance

  • Film

  • Indoor Sporting Event

  • Boxing or Wrestling

  • Live or Recorded Music

  • Dancing

There are also some exemptions for a premises license including educational films, films shown as part of a museum exhibit and incidental music.

In order to apply for a premises license in the UK, you must be over 18 years old. Innpacked will help you understand the ins and outs of the application process and you will have a complete understanding of what needs to be done.

When applying for a premises license, you must designate a premises supervisor. This supervisor often has the daily responsibilities of running the business. You must also submit an operating schedule. The operating schedule shows how the business will operate when providing licensable activities. It is also important to understand that the premises supervisor must also have a person license.

If you currently have a premises license, and wish to amend it, Innpacked can help with a premises license variation by submitting the necessary changes you want to make.

When holding a special event anywhere in the UK that includes the sale of alcohol or regulated entertainment, you must submit a Temporary Events Notice to the licensing authority. Innpacked can help you with the necessary application in order to obtain this temporary license.

At Innpacked, licensing and training professionals can help you with the application process and with everything you need to know about obtaining your personal and premises license. Innpacked also offers APLH courses to help you qualify for your personal license.

If you are looking to get started on your premises license, the professionals at Innpacked are ready to help you. Start focusing on your business and leave the tough stuff to us. We’re here to help.

For more information on Innpacked, the services they provide, and the premises license UK application process, visit their website at or call 0800 786 056.