Workers’ Compensation: What You Need to Know

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Some workplaces can be very dangerous areas, and work injuries have become very common. Workers’ compensation laws state that a person who suffers from an injury in the workplace can be compensated for their medical costs and days of work missed.


Workers’ compensation was first developed to make sure any employee that was injured on the job was properly compensated financially for their injury and medical expenses. This also prevent lawsuits agains employers. To be covered by workers’ compensation, you must be an employee of the company and get hurt while working on the job. Workers’ compensation may also cover those who get sick while on the job. This could occur from exposure to toxic materials.


Types of Workers’ Compensation

There are two types of workers’ compensation, temporary disability and permanent disability. Temporary disability is when a worker who was injured can return their job, but with limited job function. This person will be partially compensated for their medical costs and time lost at work. It will also be determined what they can and cannot do on the job in order to prevent further injury.


The second type is permanent disability. This occurs when a person is unable to return to their job and the injury has caused them to be permanently disabled. In this case, a lump sum based on a percentage of impairment will be paid to the worker.


If a person dies on the job, their spouse or other relatives may be entitled to the necessary compensation.


What Happens If You Get Hurt On the Job?

It is important to file an incident report with your employer for any type of injury. Make sure to follow up with your HR department or boss if they do not inform you of the next steps.


Find the best pain management doctors albuquerque.Pain management clinics albuquerque are able to provide you with the proper care you need and will give you the proper documentation to give to your employer.


Be sure to let your pain management doctor know that your injury occurred at work. This will help the pain management clinics albuquerque know where to send the information and bills to. Before choosing your doctor, make sure he or she is able to handle a workers’ compensation claim.


Understand workers’ compensation insurance policy provided by your employer. You should be clear what about what is covered by your employer and what isn’t. Not all injuries are covered by every employer.


What Can a Pain Management Clinic Do For You?

Pain management doctors who handle patients with a workers’ compensation case can help them through the process. They will provide you with the proper documentation of your injuries and the treatment process.


Pain management doctors in Albuquerque also know and understand the state and federal regulations with workers’ compensation. They are able to help patients through the process while treating them for their injuries.


If you have been the victim of a work injury, you should file a claim with your employer and contact a pain management doctor in Albuquerque.